Volume 46, Number 2 (2012)
Table of Contents
Mutual Fund Performance Advertising: Inherently and Materially Misleading?
Alan R. Palmiter and Ahmed E. Taha
State Amici, Collective Action, and the Development of Federalism Doctrine
Michael E. Solimine
Fatherhood by Conscription: Nonconsensual Insemination and the Duty of Child Support
Michael J. Higdon
American ElectricPower v. Connecticut: Disaster Averted by Displacing the Federal Common Law of Nuisance
Damian M. Brychey
Endorsement Clauses in a Post-White Legal System: Why These Restrictions Do Not Violate a Judicial Candidate's First Amendment Right to Free Speech
Shawna M. Portner
Rebecca H. White