Volume 55, Number 1 (2020)
Table of Contents
The Independent State Legislature Doctrine, Federal Elections, and State Constitutions
Michael T. Morley
Confronting Memory Loss
Paul F. Rothstein and Ronald J. Coleman
Whistleblowing in the Compliance Era
Jeffrey R. Boles, Leora Eisenstadt, and Jennifer M. Pacella
An Empirical Evaluation of Proposed Civil Rules for Multidistrict Litigation
Margaret S. Williams and Jason A. Cantone
Coequal Federalism and Federal-State Agencies
Dave Owen and Hannah J. Wiseman
Pay Toll with Coins: Looking Back on FBAR Penalties and Prosecutions to Inform the Future of Cryptocurrency Taxation
Caroline T. Parnass
The Georgia Condominium Act’s Authorization of Private Takings: Revisiting Kelo and “Bitter with the Sweet”
Tyler Gaines