"Amicus Briefs, 2009" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2009

newsjan09.html (29 kB)
January 2009: Lexis and Westlaw Training for 1Ls; Lunch-n-Learn; Law Dawg of the Month; Hours for Upcoming Holiday; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsfeb09.html (17 kB)
February 2009: Late Night at the Law Library? Get an Escort to Your Car! Law Library Partners with Civil Rights Digital Library; Expanded Foreign Law Database: vLex; Spring Lunch-n-Learns egin with Survival Topics; Law Dawg of the Month! Puzzle: This Time It's a Jigsaw; Featured Acquisitions

newsmar09.html (36 kB)
March 2009: Featured Resource: World Trials Collection; Out, Damned Spot, Out I Say! Spring Break Hours; Law Dawg of the Month; March's Interactive Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsmar09no2.html (37 kB)
March 2009 no. 2: Sohn Papers Moved to Harvard Law; Upcoming Lunch-n-Learns Provide Practical Information; Movie Screening: Introducing the Rule of Law in China; Spooky!; Law Librarians in Athens; Law Dawg of the Month; Interactive Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsapr09.html (56 kB)
April 2009 Special Finals Edition: Law Library Hours; Heads Up: Fines Increase during Exams; 2008/09 Law Dawgs; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsaug09c.html (37 kB)
August 2009: Welcome Back; Professor Ann Puckett Receives Gallagher Award; Important Changes to UGA's Bulldog Bucks System; Special Session for 1Ls: Law Library 101; A Small Change in the Reading Room of the Law Library; Budget Cuts Threaten Earplug Availability; Law Dawg of the Month; Puzzle: Athens Eateries; Featured Acquisitions

newssep09c.html (35 kB)
September 2009: New Art in the Law Library; Current and Superseded State Codes; Taking Care of You While You Take Care of Business; Law Dawg of the Month; September's Interactive Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsoct09b.html (36 kB)
October 2009: GAVEL's New Look; FDsys: Improved Access to Federal Documents; Lunch-n-Learn with the Law Library; Law Dawg of the Month; October's Interactive Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsnov09f.html (37 kB)
November 2009: Collaborative Research Tools; Lunch-n-Learn: Exam Prep; Law Library Holiday and Exam Hours; Law Dawg of the Month; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions
