"Amicus Briefs, 2013" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2013


This is the newsletter of the Alexander Campbell King Law Library, University of Georgia School of Law.

newsjan2013.html (21 kB)
Spotlight on Carol Humphries; New Career and Professional Resources Collection; MLK Holiday Hours; Law Dawg of the Month: Atticus.

newsfeb2013.html (44 kB)
Focus on JoEllen Childers; New Print Server! Career & Professional Resources Collection; Easy Access to Lexis and Westlaw eBooks in GAVEL; Lunch-n-Learn with the Law Library; Law Dawg of the Month: Rigby!

newsmarapr2013.html (28 kB)
Focus on Marie Mize; Lunch-n-Learn: Atlanta Law Libraries 101; Law Library Hours Extended During Finals; New Hein Resource for Tax & Economic Reform; Umbrellas at Circulation; Reference Service Now Available via Chat! Law Dawgs of the Class of 2013.
