"Amicus Briefs, 2014" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2014

newsjan2014.html (20 kB)
Library Annex Re-Roofing: Oh No! Don't Let the Rain Come Down!Good Luck to Jeff Satterfield; MLK Holiday Hours; Legislative Insight: Your New Best Friend for Legislative History Research; Inclement Weather Policy; App of the Week! Law Dawg: Layla; Featured Acquisitions

newsfeb14.html (23 kB)
New Resources in Lexis and Westlaw; Law Library Certified as Sustainable Office; Hack Your Brief – A Little Less Pain in the 1L Experience (Lunch-n-Learn); Inclement Weather Policy; Law Dawg of the Month: Armstrong; Featured Acquisitions - highlights of the Law Library's most recent purchases

newsmar14.html (28 kB)
Celebrate the Sohn Centennial; Your Opinion, Please; New Database of Historical Primary Law; Spring Break Hours; Lunch-n-Learn: New Technologies and the Practice of Law; Law Dawgs of the Month: Red & Black Hens; Featured Acquisitions

newsapr14.html (18 kB)
Lunch with Fastcase and the Georgia Bar! Get the 411 on the ATL Law Libraries; Exam Period Extended Hours; Book Repair Clinic; Law Dawg of the Month: Harper Lee; Featured Acquisitions

newsmay2014.html (37 kB)
Congratulations and Good Luck! Extended Hours during Exam; New York Times Subscription; Law Dawgs of the Month; Special Featured Acquisitions: The Law in Comics

newsaug14.html (50 kB)
Welcome! Meet Szilvia Somodi; New GAVEL Video Tutorials; Restrooms Designated Unisex; New York Times Access; Food, Tobacco and Beverages Policies; Law Dawg: Doctor Underfoot; Featured Acquisitions

newssep14.html (65 kB)
Cool Stuff at Circulation; Lunch-n-Learn: "Lead Me to a Job" Resources; Sprechen Sie...? Baker & Humphries Complete Diversity Certificate Program; Food, Tobacco and Beverages Policies; Law Dawg: Winston Fulbright; Featured Acquisitions

AMICUS_OCT2014.pdf (847 kB)
Focus on Brad Grove; Hein Online: More than Law Journals! Lunch-n-Learn with the Law Library: Cybersleuthing! Hal-Law-Ween Flicks; Law Dawgs of the Month: Sadie and Emma; Featured Acquisitions - highlights of the Law Library's most recent purchases

AMICUS_NOV2014.pdf (746 kB)
Focus on Leslie Grove; Legal Technology Audit: Can You Pass It?! Library Holiday and Exam Hours; Law Dawg of the Month
