"Amicus Briefs, 2003" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2003

newsjan03.html (13 kB)
January 2003: Law Library Renovation; CCH Research Online; Use GAVEL for ILL Requests; Law Library Hours; Featured Acquisitions

newsfeb03.html (13 kB)
February 2003: Reading Room Named; Law Library Renovation;Placing Holds in GAVEL; Library Lookup; LexisNexis Congressional; Featured Acquisitions

newsmar03.html (16 kB)
March 2003: Ann Bennett Smith, 1970-2002; Moving Day is Near! Spring Break Library Hours; Show Us Your Desktop! The Clipboard People; Hein Online; Featured Acquisitions

newsapr03.html (13 kB)
April 2003: Beverage Containers; Graduating Student Workers; Spring Library Hours; Enhanced Fines Effective April 18; UGA Email & Web Space for Graduates; Summer Westlaw/Lexis Passwords; IndexMaster; Featured Acquisitions

newsaug03.html (23 kB)
August 2003: James Donovan; Welcome Back; Summer Book Movement; What Did You Read This Summer? Labor Day Hours

newsnov03.html (18 kB)
November 2003: Sharon Bradley; Rededicating the Law Library; Locating Sample Exams; "Bugs" Strike Law Library; Library Hours
