"Amicus Briefs, 2004" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2004

newsfeb04.htm (20 kB)
February 2004: "New" Sohn Library; Without a Trace; CALR Training; Good-bye Helen Palsgraf; Spring Break Hours

newsmar04.html (18 kB)
March 2004: Brown Appproaches Fifty; CALI lessons

newsmay04.html (13 kB)
May 2004: Goodbye Class of 2004; More Library Renovations; Using Lexis and Westlaw

newsaug04.html (24 kB)
August 2004: Welcome Class of 2007; New Changes for a New Year; Avoid Annoying Behavior; Bulldog Bucks

newssep04.html (23 kB)
September 2004: Game Day Security; Meet the Reference Staff; Legal Abbreviations; Wireless Printing; Featured Acquisitions

newsoct04.html (17 kB)
October 2004: Meet the Circulation Staff; Computer Lab Login; Holiday Hours; Featured Resource; Featured Acquisitions
