Other Lectures and Presentations | Lectures and Presentations | University of Georgia School of Law

The University of Georgia School of Law brings many eminent scholars and political leaders to its campus each year to promote the intellectual exchange of ideas. The collection found below features lectures that are not included in one of the School of Law's named lecture series, as well as presentations by featured speakers who are not members of the UGA law faculty.


Submissions from 2014


From Law School to Diplomacy in Libya: Threading a Path Through the Foreign Service, William Roebuck

Submissions from 2013

Water Access Rights: City of Tombstone v. USA, et al, Peter A. Appel

Georgia Association of Law & Politics Symposium Keynote, Roy E. Barnes

Eighth Annual Georgia Law Alumnae Evening, Ertharin Cousin

The Presentation of the Portrait of The Honorable Julie E. Carnes, University of Georgia School of Law

Submissions from 2012

Debate on Civil Right to Counsel ("Civil Gideon"), Stephanie Bibas and Gerry Weber

Military Justice Society hosts National Guard GA Staff Judge Advocate, Craig S. Brooks

Regulating Patient Safety: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Barry F. Furrow

Culture Clash: Special Education in Charter Schools, Robert A. Garda

Siemens and Compliance: A Story of Bribery and Recovery, Carol Morgan

Justice David Nahmias discusses his role on the court and pressing issues, Davi Nahmias

Project Safe Leader Talks About Domestic Violence Bills, Joan Prittie

The End of Impunity: War Crimes Tribunals in the 21st Century, David Scheffer

Increasing Scholarly Impact with Open Access Publishing, Carol A. Watson and James M. Donovan

7th Annual Georgia Law Alumnae Evening featuring U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates (J.D.'86), Sally Quillian Yates

Submissions from 2011

Lecture by author Tomiko Brown-Nagin on Atlanta civil rights movement, Tomiko Brown-Nagin

Georgia Law Republicans host U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Saxby Chambliss

Lunchtime Talk with Author and Attorney Peter Godwin, Peter Godwin

American Constitution Society and Law Students for Reproductive Justice host Chara Fisher Jackson, Chara Fisher Jackson

Student Animal Legal Defense Fund Speaker on careers and pro bono opportunities in animal law, Tom Linney

A Re-enactment of the Holmes-Hunter Trial and Legal Panel, University of Georgia School of Law

Submissions from 2010

Alumni Advocacy Series Part III - Issues in Appellate and Trial Advocacy, Roy Barnes and Michael J. Bowers

Mid-Term Elections, Paul Begala

We are Public Interest, Max Cleland

"Robes in the Schools", Doris L. Downs, Janet F. King, Melodie Snell Conner, Stephen S. Goss, and Patricia Barron

Alumni Advocacy Series Part II, J. Randolph Evans and Sally Quillian Yates

America For Sale? Foreign Investments in the U.S., a German Perspective, Peter Huber, Martina Stegmeier, Mona P. Maerz, and Teri A. Simmons

A One Health Strategy for Global Health Security, Ali S. Khan


Intellectual Property Law and Entertainment Law Issues, Martin Kretschmer, W. Bruce Burch, John L. Turner, and Bertis E. Downs IV

Think Italy, Not Russia: Romania 20 Years After the Revolution, James C. Rosapepe and Sheilah Kast

The 10 Essential Tools to Become an International Business Lawyer, Christof Siefarth

Georgia Law Alumnae Evening, Audrey Boone Tillman

Submissions from 2009

Individual Rights in India : A Perspective from the Supreme Court, K.G. Balakrishnan

From Attorney General to Attorney for the Condemned, W. Ramsey Clark

Newt Gingrich speaks to UGA Law Republicans, Newt Gingrich

Morality in Armed Conflict: Dilemma of the Decision Maker in Operational Counterterrorism, Amos N. Guiora

A Prosecutor's Non-negotiables: Independence and Integrity, David C. Iglesias

The Conduct of Foreign Policy under the Obama Administration, Earle St. A. Scarlett and Barbara A.H. Scarlett

Submissions from 2007

Saunders v. Industrial Metals and Surplus; Ferrari v. American Home Products Corp.; Halligan v. Broun, Anne E. Barnes, J.D. Smith, and M. Yvette Miller

U.S. Department of Justice Activities and Hiring Practices, Griffin Bell

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer Q & A, Stephen G. Breyer

How to Cross-Examine Opposing Experts, Ronald L. Carlson, Richard (Rick) H. Deane Jr., and N. Karen (Kay) Deming

How to Brief and Argue Appeals, Ronald L. Carlson, Michael Terry, and Susan Boleyn

U.S. Air Force Judge Speaks on Career, Jack L. Rives

Submissions from 2006


U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thomas Makes Third Visit to Georgia Law since 2003, Office of Communications and Public Relations

Restoring the American Dream: Fighting Poverty and Expanding the Middle Class, John Edwards

How to Argue and Win an Appeal, Scott A. Farrow, Richard H. Hill II, and Ronald L. Carlson

The Rise of China: Political and Economic Implications, Daniel R. Fung

Expert Witnesses: How to Prepare, Present and Cross-examine Them, Donald F. Samuel, William G. Scrantom Jr., and Ronald L. Carlson

Demonstrative Evidence - Winning Cases with Exhibits, Andrew M. Scherffius, Gordon A. Smith, and Ronald L. Carlson

Submissions from 2005


Justice Melton Returns to Athens, Office of Communications and Public Relations

Submissions from 2004

Brown v. Board of Education, Commemorative Dinner Speech, Sharon N. Tucker


The PATRIOT Act of 2002: Myths, Misperceptions and Malapropisms, Joe D. Whitley


The PATRIOT Act of 2002: Myths, Misperceptions and Malapropisms Q&A, Joe D. Whitley

Same-sex Marriage Debate, Evan Wolfson and Lynn T. Wardle

Submissions from 2002

Constitutional Rights & Human Rights, Louis Henkin

The European Union and the United States: Political Cleavages and the Use of Law, Manuel Medina Ortega

Democracy Beyond Nation State: World Trade Organization and European Union, Eric Stein

The United Nations and Peacebuilding, Abiodun Williams

Introduction to the Dean Rusk Lecture Series, Gabriel M. Wilner

Submissions from 2000

Human Rights Advocate Examines Death Penalty's Future in UGA Lecture, Stephen Bright

Submissions from 1997

Power Communications Seminar, Connie Glaser

Submissions from 1992

Law School Association Awards Luncheon, Law School Association

Submissions from 1990

International Law and the Crisis in the Persian Gulf, Dean Rusk, Louis B. Sohn, and Gabriel M. Wilner

Submissions from 1984

Richard B. Russell Lecture (Part 1), A.E. Dick Howard

Richard B. Russell Lecture (Part 2), A.E. Dick Howard

Submissions from 1981

Honor Graduates Plaque Presentation, J. Ralph Beaird

Submissions from 1979

Law School Groundbreaking, Erwin A. Friedman

Submissions from 1977

Dean Rusk Center Dedication, George W. Ball

Dean Rusk Center Dedication, Dean Rusk

Submissions from 1960


The School of Law Observes its Centennial Year: Harvard's Dean Pound Delivers Lectures, Roscoe Pound