Georgia Law’s unique program matches first-year students with a four-person support network


Georgia Law’s unique program matches first-year students with a four-person support network

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Georgia Law's mentoring program, launched in August 2016, is yielding great results. Each first-year student was matched with a faculty member, a career development counselor, an upper-level law student and a law school graduate or legal professional who they can rely upon for insights and opinions. Scores of these connections have produced meaningful relationships. First-year student Lauren B. Wallace said: “After being out of school for a few years, I really had no idea what to expect going into my 1L year. Georgia Law created a welcoming atmosphere for me to not only ask a range of questions, but also feel at home before classes even started. Since starting in August, I was able to establish relationships with my mentors who had experiences and backgrounds that looked similar to my own. I don't know if my first semester experience would have been the same without the help from my team. In general, I feel very supported and know that I'm not in this alone.”

A photo of Wallace and her mentor team (comprised of Hosch Professor Elizabeth Weeks (J.D.’99), Career Development Associate Director Laura E. Woodson (J.D.’90), 2013 alumnus Rory A. Weeks and second-year student Harris R. Mason) can be found on the law school’s homepage.
