Open Access Week 2021 Faculty Panel: A Conversation About OER Authoring and Opportunities

In celebration of Open Access Week 2021 (October 25-29), the University of Georgia Law Library hosted a conversation of University of Georgia faculty and librarians on October 25, 2021 at 2:30 PM.


Topics included two law school faculty sharing their reasons for wanting to create Open Educational Resources for their classes and talking about the UGA Provost's Affordable Course Materials Grant that each author received. Other topics including the equitable nature of OA texts, the accessibility of these types of materials versus traditional print casebooks, the cost-saving factors for students, and several resources provided by UGA Libraries and UGA Law Library. For more information about the Affordable Course Materials Grant discussed in this recording, visit: Affordable Course Materials Grant

About the speakers:

  • Thomas E. Kadri is an Assistant Professor of Law at UGA School of Law, Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, and the Women's Studies Institute. His research and courses focus on torts, cybercrime, privacy and how law regulates technology. Kadri's OA Casebook for torts will be released only under a CC license this week!
  • Jean Goetz Mangan is a Legal Writing Instructor at UGA School of Law. She teaches legal writing, advanced writing seminar and criminal drafting, and recently published a second edition of her Legal Writing Manual, also a CC licensed OER work (
  • Mariann Samuel is the Head of Scholarly Communication, Copyright, and Science Collections at the University of Georgia Libraries. Among her many duties in her role at UGA she manages their repository Athenaeum ( and is one of the reviewers for the Provost's Affordable Course Materials Grant (
  • Stephen M. Wolfson is the Associate Director for Research and Copyright Services Librarian at UGA School of Law. He serves as the law library’s contact for issues relating to copyright, scholarly communication, and research-related information policy matters, teaches legal research, and courses exploring the intersection of law and technology in the information age.

Session moderated and recorded by Rachel Evans, Metadata Services & Special Collections Librarian at UGA Law Library who serves as co-admin of the Digital Commons institutional repository where a collection of faculty books are maintained, including OA texts ( as well as admin of the Library Research Guides site where our new OER guide continues to evolve (

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