"Amicus Briefs, 2008" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2008

newsjan08.html (35 kB)
January 2008: Installation of Annex Fire and Emergency Alarms; Attention 1Ls: Lexis and Westlaw Training; Deborah Baker Takes Administrative Associate Position; Lunch-n-Learn: Bluebooking; Law Library Hours on MLK Holiday; January's Interactive Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsfeb08.html (32 kB)
February 2008: Test of Annex Emergency Alarms; New Book Drop; Lunch-n-Learn: Using the Web as an Investigative Tool; ExamSoft Contribution to Save Darfur; Feburary's Interactive Puzzle: Constitutional Bric-a-Brac; Featured Acquisitions

newsmar08.html (42 kB)
March 2008: Lauren Knowlton Takes Off!; New Resource: Hein World Trials Database; Internet Legal Research Continuing Legal Education Seminar; New Book by Donovan; Law Library Hours over Spring Break; March Interactive Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsapril08.html (33 kB)
April 2008: Working near Atlanta this Summer? Then Lunch-n-Learn with the Law Library!; Meet Jen Wolf; WOW! Encore: Discover the Power of Library Search; Law Library Hours; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsapr08supp.html (29 kB)
April 2008 Exam Supplement: Meet Gareth Griffin; Lunch & Learn with the Law Library: Georgia's Law on My Mind; Book Repair Clinic (and Treats!); All Quiet on Annex-1; Library Hours; Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsaug08.html (47 kB)
August 2008: Welcome Back; Brad Grove is New Help Desk Manager; Meet Marie Mize; The Big Move; Donovan and Watson Speak in Baltimore and Portland; Law Library Photos are Winners; Bradley Appointed to Historic Preservation Commission; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newssep08.html (39 kB)
September 2008: New Microform Scanner; Printing Price Increase; Lunch-n-Learns; New Feature: Law Dawgs!; September's Interactive Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsoct08.html (35 kB)
October 2008: Going Green in the Law Library; Lunch-n-Learn; Most Frequently Checked-Out Items; Law Dawg of the Month; Crossword Puzzle: Law in Films; October's Featured Acquisitions

newsnov08.html (33 kB)
November 2008: Access Self-Help E-books from MyiLibrary; Hein Online Adds United Nations Law Collection; Book Repair Clinic and Coffee Break; Film of Hirsch Hall circa 1932; Law Dawg of the Month; Upcoming Holiday and Exam Hours; Interactive Puzzle: Songs about Laws & Lawyers; Featured Acquisitions
