"Amicus Briefs, 2007" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2007

newsjan07.html (33 kB)
January 2007: Law Library Expands Hours; Attention 1Ls: Lexis and Westlaw Training; New Resource: International Law in Domestic Courts; Law Students: We Need Your Input!; January's Interactive Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsfeb07.html (27 kB)
February 2007: Meet Douglas Bell; Law School Authors' Reception; Law Library User Survey - Last Chance to Weigh in; New Vlex database Offers Access to Spanish Law; February's Interactive Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsmar07.html (38 kB)
March 2007: Many Thanks to Student Survey Takers!; Joyce Moss Retires; Library Welcomes Jacque Harris; Law Library Hosts First Law School Authors Reception; Law Library Spells for Literacy; Law Library Hours over Spring Break; March Interactive Crossword Puzzle: Spell This!; Featured Acquisitions

newsapr07.html (35 kB)
April 2007: Effective Web Searching: Search Smart and Amaze Your Friends! ; Library User Survey Continues to Inspire Change; Meet Carol Humphries; iSinoLaw: Newly Acquired Chinese Law Database; Law Librarians Present CLE Program ; CALI Brings Exam Prep Relief ; Law Library Hours; Crossword Puzzle (favorite legal treatise authors); Featured Acquisitions

newsapr07supp.html (19 kB)
April 2007 no. 2: Eighteenth Century Collections Online;Summer Renovation Projects; Welcome to Tara Adams and Farewell to Beth Holmes; Lunch & Learn with the Law Library: Georgia Materials; Library Hours; Congratulations to Stellar Student Workers Pam Brannon and Ginnie Garcia; Second Annual Candy Bar Social; Where's the Puzzle?; Featured Acquisitions

newsmay07.html (23 kB)
May 2007: Special Issue: Athens Music Scene Stress-Buster Puzzle - Good Luck on Exams!!

newsaug07.html (33 kB)
August 2007: Welcome Back; Suzanne Graham Gets Legal; Law Library Expands Hours; Won't You Be My(Space) Friend?; August's Interactive Crossword Puzzle (Athens Eateries); Featured Acquisitions

newssep07.html (34 kB)
September 2007: Palestinian Law Librarian Visits UGA; New Resource: Making of Modern Law Trials; Keep Current with Alerts; Lunch-n-Learn: What's New and Hot; September's Interactive Crossword Puzzle (Portraits in the Hall); Featured Acquisitions

newsoct07.html (32 kB)
October 2007: Thank You for Your Patience!; Legal Reference in Non-Legal Settings; Amicus Briefs Survey; Lunch-n-Learn: Advanced Google Searching; Crossword Puzzle: Primetime Law; Featured Acquisitions

newsnov07.html (35 kB)
November 2007: Meet Susan Clay! Why Is It So Cold in the Library? For Our Audio and Visual Learners; Exam Anxiety?-- CALI Can Help! Thank You and Report on Newsletter Survey; Upcoming Holiday and Exam Hours; Interactive Puzzle: Watershed U.S. Supreme Court Cases; Featured Acquisitions
