"Amicus Briefs, 2006" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2006

newsjan06.html (11 kB)
January 2006: Meet New Accounts Manager Cheryl Solomon; Portable Audiovisual Equipment Available for Checkout; Law Library Hours over the MLK Holiday Weekend; Day in the Life of the Alexander Campbell King Law Library; Featured Acquisitions

newsfeb06.html (17 kB)
February 2006: Celebrate Black History Month: Quiz; First Law Library Groundhog Day Chili Cookoff A Success; New Database: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978; New Database: Public Documents Masterfile; Featured Acquisitions

newsmar06.html (12 kB)
March 2006: Are We Safer in the Dark? Law Library to Host Open Government Teleconference; March Is National Women's History Month; Spring Break Hours; Clean and Beautiful; Featured Acquisitions

newsapr06.html (30 kB)
April 2006: Student Worker Appreciation Day; Take A Bite out of Finals: Candy Bar Social!; Law Library Hours; Jigsaw Puzzles and Final Exams; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsaug06.html (36 kB)
August 2006: Welcome Back; Remembering Louis B. Sohn; Crossword Puzzle; Law Library Hours; Featured Acquisitions

newssep06.html (34 kB)
September 2006: "L" is for Lawyer; Library Offences Act 1898; Law Library Hours; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsoct06.html (32 kB)
October 2006: Supreme Court Records and Briefs; MOML, MOMW, ECCO, & CQEL; But Can I Get It at The Law Library?; Law Library Maps Now Online!; Law Library Hours; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsnov06.html (42 kB)
November 2006: Law Library Hosts Visitor from Ghana's Supreme Court; Congratulations to Trey Stephens, Homecoming King; Prepare to Evacuate!; Exam Anxiety? Try CALI for Relief!; Law Library Extended Hours; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions
