"Amicus Briefs, 2005" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2005

newsjan05.html (17 kB)
Jamuary 2005: Lab Renovations; Making of Modern Law; GAVEL Improvement; Featured Acquisitions

newsfeb05.html (29 kB)
February 2005: Convenient Computer Repair; News Signs Identify Library; HeinOnline Database; Spring Break Hours; Featured Acquisitions

newsmar05.html (18 kB)
March 2005: New Circulation Notices; Serials Solutions; Featured Acquisitions

newsapr05.htm (18 kB)
April 2005: BePress ExpressO; Worry Dolls; Fight Stress; Featured Acquisitions

newsaug05.html (19 kB)
August 2005: Welcome (or Welcome Back); New Circulation Staff; ExpressO Service; Featured Acquisitions

newssep05.html (19 kB)
September 2005: MOML, MOME & ECCO; My Gavel

newsoct05.html (22 kB)
October 2005: Yellow Book Library; Portable GAVEL; World Constitutions; Spelling Bee-ers; Featured Acquisitions

newsnov05.htm (19 kB)
November 2005: CALI Review Exercises; Fighting Stress; Expanded Hours at SLC; Extended Hours; Featured Acquisitions
