Below is an archive of the School of Law’s faculty highlights dating back to 2006. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the Office of Communications and Public Relations at (706) 542-5172 or To view the law school’s current faculty highlights, please visit our Faculty Highlights page.

Submissions from 2011

Sonja West publishes article in the UCLA Law Review, (June 21, 2011)

Suzanne Graham coordinates "star" session at annual ALA meeting, (June 21, 2011)

Usha Rodrigues publishes article in the Minnesota Law Review, (June 21, 2011)

Donald Wilkes publishes book on postconviction remedies, (June 14, 2011)

Walter Hellerstein delivers talk on tax manipulation, (June 13, 2011)

David Shipley publishes article in the Journal of Intellectual Property Law, (June 7, 2011)

Paul Heald receives Google grant, (May 31, 2011)

Donald Wilkes' book cited by the U.S. Supreme Court, (May 23, 2011)

Sonja West publishes article in the UCLA Law Review, (May 23, 2011)

Carol Watson delivers talk on pecha kucha, (May 16, 2011)

Lonnie Brown selected as Senior Teaching Fellow, (May 13, 2011)

Walter Hellerstein publishes article in Tax Notes, (April 27, 2011)

Carol Watson elected president of SEAALL, (April 19, 2011)

Wendy Moore appointed vice chair of AALL recruitment committee, (April 19, 2011)

Wendy Moore appointed vice chair of AALL recruitment committee April 19, 2011 Acquisitions Librarian Wendy E. Moore was appointed the 2011 vice chair and chair elect of the American Association of Law Libraries Recruitment to Law Librarianship Committee., (April 19, 2011)

Donald Wilkes delivers talk on the history of the Western Judicial Circuit, (April 15, 2011)

Harlan Cohen named co-chair, (April 12, 2011)

Anne Burnett appointed chair of AALL Special Interest Section's Nomination Committee, (April 7, 2011)

Suzanne Graham delivers talk on community tagging, (April 7, 2011)

Matthew Hall's article cited by the U.S. Court of Appeals, (April 6, 2011)

Lori Ringhand publishes article in American University Law Review, (April 5, 2011)

Lori Ringhand receives a Congressional Research Grant, (April 5, 2011)

Paul Heald's article selected for inclusion in the Intellectual Property Law Review, (April 5, 2011)

Usha Rodrigues's article selected for inclusion in the Securities Law Review, (March 29, 2011)

Hillel Levin publishes article in California Western journal, (March 15, 2011)

Harlan Cohen delivers talk on human rights, (March 10, 2011)

Bo Rutledge publishes article in the Alabama Law Review, (March 7, 2011)

Paul Heald publishes article in Buffalo Law Review, (March 7, 2011)

Surrency honored for contributions to journal, (March 4, 2011)

Jim Smith delivers talk on modern mortgage markets and mortgage fraud, (February 24, 2011)

Lonnie Brown delivers talk on legal ethics, (February 15, 2011)

Courting Trouble: Why congressional efforts to hobble the EPA may result in a lot more environmental regulation, (February 11, 2011)

Walter Hellerstein publishes article in State Tax Notes, (January 31, 2011)

Jim Smith delivers talk on green homes, (January 20, 2011)

Harlan Cohen delivers talk on international law, (January 13, 2011)

Fazal Khan publishes article in Case Western Reserve University journal, (January 4, 2011)

Submissions from 2010

Walter Hellerstein publishes article in Tax Notes, (December 22, 2010)

Elizabeth Leonard publishes chapter in book on public health, (December 14, 2010)

Fazal Khan delivers talk on bioethics, (December 14, 2010)

Hillel Levin publishes article in Florida Law Review, (December 13, 2010)

Lonnie Brown publishes article in South Carolina Law Review, (December 13, 2010)

Timothy Meyer publishes article in the Journal of Legal Analysis, (December 10, 2010)

Donald Wilkes publishes article in the New Georgia Encyclopedia, (December 7, 2010)

James Smith publishes article in Probate and Property, (December 7, 2010)

Lisa Milot publishes article in Washington and Lee Law Review, (November 22, 2010)

Elizabeth Leonard publishes article in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law, (November 19, 2010)

Elizabeth Leonard delivers talk on health care federalism, (November 10, 2010)

Elizabeth Leonard delivers talk on health reform, (November 10, 2010)

Lori Ringhand delivers talk on Supreme Court confirmation hearings, (November 10, 2010)

Alex Scherr publishes article in the Clinical Law Review, (November 8, 2010)

Michael Wells serves as a guest author for TortsProf Blog, (November 8, 2010)

Walter Hellerstein delivers talk on tax coordination, (November 8, 2010)

Usha Rodrigues publishes article in the Texas Law Review, (November 1, 2010)

Carol Watson and Wendy Moore deliver talk on the art of presentations, (October 27, 2010)

Lori Ringhand delivers talk on Supreme Court confirmation hearings, (October 25, 2010)

Anne Dupre publishes article in West's Education Law Reporter, (October 12, 2010)

Peter Appel delivers talk on global climate change, (September 15, 2010)

Walter Hellerstein publishes article in Tax Notes, (August 31, 2010)

Walter Hellerstein publishes article in the Tax Law Review, (August 31, 2010)

Tim Meyer publishes article in Harvard International Law Journal, (August 30, 2010)

Walter Hellerstein publishes a chapter in book on tax, globalization, (August 24, 2010)

Erica Hashimoto publishes article in the Boston University Law Review, (August 17, 2010)

Travis Trimble publishes article in the Mercer Law Review, (August 17, 2010)

Carol Watson publishes review in Law Library Journal, (August 13, 2010)

Fazal Khan publishes article in the Harvard Law & Policy Review, (August 3, 2010)

Peter Rutledge publishes article in the Dispute Resolution Journal, (July 26, 2010)

James Smith publishes article in Syracuse Law Review, (July 1, 2010)

Carol Morgan delivers talk on ethics, (June 30, 2010)

Paul Heald publishes article in the Case Western Reserve Law Review, (June 29, 2010)

Ann Puckett named to AALL Hall of Fame, (June 16, 2010)

Harlan Cohen named to program committee, (June 10, 2010)

Walter Hellerstein delivers talk on state tax policy, (June 10, 2010)

Carol Morgan delivers talk on ethics, (May 26, 2010)

Dan Coenen delivers talks on the Federalist Papers, (May 26, 2010)

Dan Coenen publishes article in Ohio State Law Journal, (May 21, 2010)

Peter Rutledge publishes article in the Dispute Resolution Journal, (May 11, 2010)

Sonja West publishes article in the Washington and Lee Law Review, (May 11, 2010)

Walter Hellerstein to deliver talk on international tax developments in the U.S., (May 10, 2010)

Walter Hellerstein publishes article in Tax Notes, (May 3, 2010)

Harlan Cohen publishes article in the Tulane Law Review, (April 26, 2010)

Laurie Fowler honored with award from GreenLaw, (April 22, 2010)

Walter Hellerstein co-chairs conference on tax relations, (April 22, 2010)

Walter Hellerstein delivers talk on VAT reform, (April 20, 2010)

Carol Morgan delivers talk on legal career alternatives, (April 19, 2010)

Lori Ringhand delivers talk on the relationship between popular opinion and the U.S. Supreme Court, (April 19, 2010)

Usha Rodrigues publishes article in the Virginia Law Review, (April 19, 2010)

Harlan Cohen delivers talk on international law, (April 16, 2010)

María Giménez named to International Institute for Justice Research and Training, (April 15, 2010)

Dan Coenen publishes article in the Iowa Law Review, (April 12, 2010)

Walter Hellerstein delivers talk on charities and taxes, (April 12, 2010)

James Donovan's work named article of the year, (April 6, 2010)

Dan Bodansky delivers talk on climate change, (April 5, 2010)

Michael Wells publishes article in the Louisiana Law Review, (April 5, 2010)

Peter Appel delivers talk on environmental protection and sustainable commerce, (April 2, 2010)

David Shipley publishes article in the Kentucky Law Journal, (March 30, 2010)

Harlan Cohen delivers talk on international law, (March 24, 2010)

DIRTY DEALINGS: University project dumps on residents, (March 23, 2010)

Hillel Levin publishes article in the Lewis & Clark Law Review, (March 23, 2010)

Hillel Levin delivers talk on same-sex relationships, (March 18, 2010)

Jason Solomon delivers talk on the civil jury, (March 18, 2010)